Environment Value and Human Rights

Environment Value and Human Rights
M.Santhanakrishnan                                                                        Dr.D.Shanmugam
Ph.D., Research Scholar                                                                     Associate Professor
Department of English                                                                        English Wing/ DDE
Annamalai University                                                                         Annamalai University
Annamalainagar                                                                                  Annamalainagar
We live on the earth. Earth provides favorable environment for all forms of life, including human beings.The different surroundings on the earth are our environment. The earth is the habitat of humans but they do not live in isolation from the other life forms on the earth,as they depend on them for food and other necessities.I the beginning, the environment of early Man consisted of only physical aspects of the earth (land, air and ,water) and biological communities,but the time and advancement of society, Man extended his environment through his social, economic ,political functions ,and emerging science and technology era. Nature constitutes the environment and ecology of man the existence of life depends on nature .The nature becomes a source of sorrow and happiness in accordance to its prevailing environmental situations. Thus, Man and environment are interrelated and interdependent since man appeared on earth.
Ecology was first described as a separate field of knowledge in 1866 by the German zoologist, ErnestHaeckel.He invented the word OECKOLOGIE for “the study of the animal to its organic as well as to its in organic environment, particularlyit’sfriendly or hostile relations to those animals or plants which it comes in contact”. Ecology deals with the ways in which organisms are  by their surroundings, howan area is altered or affected by the presence of an organism.
The environment of an individual comprises all the natural and social factors which directly or indirectlyaffect his living and  working conditions .The natural environment consists of  two major elements: The non-living and the living land,water and air form the non-living group and is collectively called the physical environment plants,animals and other living things from the biological environment .while the physical environment is essential for the existence of life in various forms,the biological environment provides the food and the materials for the sustenance of  man on earth.Man cannot survive without plant and animal life.Both the physical and biological environment interact with each other producing a series of changes.The social environment consists of the family ,school ,religious places,community,social and religious functions. It also constitutes socially acceptable habits and attitudes for effective living and functioning in a society.
Man and Environment:
Man is an important factor of the environment and environment is an important factor for Man.Biophysical limitations,behavioral controls and resource availability affect man. Weather,climate,oxygen,heat,rains atmosphere and space etc.Affect human well-being and health.certain diseases and illness are correlated with environmental factors such as rocks,soils and water and atmospheric conditions. Human body depends on the environmental factors.The functions of human beings and other organisms such as birth,growth,health and death all are affected by the natural environment.
Man being most developed and advanced among all living beings,
both physically and mentally, is capable of making substantial changes in natural environment so as to make it suitable for his own living. Theprimitive man in interaction with environment was fundamentally that of user of environmental resources but as he developed skills and technologywith cultural development, his Role and interaction with environment also changed  such as form user through modifier and changer to destroyer of the environment. So it is the technology and ever ending series of needs of man which has changed the man environment relationship from prehistoric period of the most advanced industrialized era. In our country, the most population depend o agriculture, destruction of the environment especially of biomass source is the biggest threat before the people. This threat is so strong that raises a question of survival for human beings in the coming time. The growth of our population data added every year and their basic survival needs are biomass based, that is based on products obtained from plants and animals.
People’s injudicious utilization of physical and biological Resources for their effective living and functioning in a society, results into environment Degradation. This is a problem that concerns human beings because certain people benefit tangibly from it and others suffer silently because of socio-economic and cultural inequality and happening because large majority of the population are unaware of their fundamental duty to protect the environment. They are unaware of the causes and consequences of the growing environmental degradation. Any   human activity, which becomes a cause factor for the chain of other activities resulting into environmental degradation and a survival threat for mankind, can be considered neither environment friendly nor man friendly. This substantial change and shift in the nature and the magnitude of man’s interactions with the natural environment has given birth to numerous environmental problems of serious consequences because the changes affected by the inbuilt-self regulatory mechanism of the natural environmental system.
            Education being the process or development through knowledge, skills, values and Training. It is, therefore expected that education can change and improve the quality of man’s environment and in turn can modify man’s behavior with the environment.
            Since ancient time, Indian culture has been very naturalistic. Considering the rivers as pious, worshiping trees, sun, moon, respect for animals, singing praises of nature and deriving sustenance moral and material through interaction with nature, has been our tradition. Thus human society, from the very ancient times has been aware of man-environment relationship.
            Mahatma Gandhi once said, “The earth is enough for everyone’s need but not for every one’s greed”. Many scientific disciplines and skills along with social and philosophical studies have to be incorporated into a curricular frame work to give a broad-based education to the people at different levels.
            Environment education is education through and about environment. It is the process of recognizing values and clarifying concepts in order to develop skills and attitudes necessary to understand and appreciate the interrelation among man and his biophysical surroundings. Its goal is to produce an active environmental oriented citizen who is personally involved in decisions and practices regarding man’s interaction with his environment.
            Its goal is to produce an active environmental oriented citizen who is personally involved in decision and practices regarding Man’s informationfrom the   natural and social sciences.
            Life depends on how our environment is managed. Life becomes critical when the environment deteriorates with rampant destruction and improper utilization of environment resources.  In order to overcome such problems and for making life sustainable setting up of proper aims and objectives on environmental education is required.
Environmental protection agencies deal with protection of environment pollution by air, water, solid wastes, radiation, pesticides, noise etc. Family is the primary agency. Values are mostly developed at home and nurtured through interaction among members of the family.
            Man for his selfish motives has been arrogantly and injudiciously utilizing his environment, consequently invited suffocation for him. Man and his environment have symbiotic relationship but man has been exerting much stress on the environment, therefore, causing greater harm to him. Numbers of programmes both at national and international levels are in operation but environment degradation is on increase, which is self indicative of the fact that the large majorityof masses are suffering from health, nutrition, social, political, economic and spiritual problems. Uncontrolled pollutions, ecological imbalances and fatal diseases are it seems due to uncontrolled population growth ad injudicious utilization of natural resources along with irrational human greed.  For proper environment education, we have to have concerted efforts in controlling the population growth, creating environmental awareness and seeking people’s participation in environmental protection and promotion to ensure sustainable development. I this context some important values need to be consciously developed among young boys and girls:   Non-violence, non-injuryto all living things including animals, birds and other creatures, self-discipline, co-operation, hard work, environment ethics, morality, aesthetic sense and righteousness.
1.      Mitzel, HaroldE.Environment Education. Encyclopedia of educational Research. Fifth
Edition.New York : MacMillan publishing co., 1982. Print.
2.      Dutt, N.K.. Values: The foundation of meaningful life. In Ruhela, S. P. Human and            Education. New Delhi: Sterling publisher private Limited, 1986. Print.

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