TOM JONES - Henry Fielding

2.      What article of clothing does Sophia leave for Tom at the inn at Upton? Her muff
3.      Who is "little Benjamin"?  Partridge
4.      What does Tom sell to Blifil in order to give money to Black George? A Bible
5.      How does Nightingale suggest that Tom rid himself of Lady Bellaston?  By proposing marriage to her
6.      From whom does Allworthy receive a letter that clears Tom from blame? Square
7.      Who tries to obstruct Nightingale's marriage to Nancy? His father
8.      To whom is the novel dedicated? George Lyttleton
9.      In Book 1, the narrator says an author should think of himself as one who keeps: a public ordinary
10.  In Book 1, Who is introduced as having "an agreeable person, a sound constitution, a solid understanding, and a benevolent heart"? Allworthy
11.  Where does Allworthy find Tom Jones when the latter is an infant? between his sheets
12.  Who is initially believed to be Tom's mother? Jenny Jones
13.  In Book 1, Allworthy decides to: keep the child
14.  Who is described as "master of almost every other science but that by which he was to get his bread"? Dr Blifil
15.  Who marries Bridget Allworthy after a formal courtship? Captain Blifil
16.  What happened to Dr. Blifil? He died of a broken heart.
17.  In Book 1, which famous picture is alleged to depict Mrs. Bridget? Hogarth's "Winter Morning"
18.  Who was Jenny Jones's employer? Mr. Partridge
19.  In Book 2, Mrs Partridge is revealed to be extremely: jealous
20.  How does Mr Partridge react when his wife attacks him? He defends himself.
21.  In Book 2,which of these does Partridge NOT lose? Life
22.  In Book 2, why does Captain Blifil want to reveal Partridge as Tom's father? to get Tom turned away from Allworthy's house
23.  In Book 2, how does "kind Fortune" restore Mrs. Blifil's affections for her husband? by having him die
24.  In Book 2, what happens to Captain Blifil? He has a heart attack.
25.  In Book 2, what is Mrs. Blifil's response to the loss of her husband? She erects a monument.
26.  In Book 3, who is described as "born to be hanged"? Tom Jones
27.  In Book 3,which of these thefts was Tom NOT guilty of? the family silver
28.  In Book 3, why does Tom steal? to assist his friend the gamekeeper
29.  In Book 3, what or whom is described as "the most dangerous enemy"? a treacherous friend
30.  In Book 3, what gift from Allworthy does Tom sell? a horse
31.  Who is Allworthy's gamekeeper? Black George
32.  In Book 3, who owns the land that Tom and the gamekeeper stray onto? Squire Western
33.  Who decides, in the beginning of the novel, to raise Tom, the foundling? Squire Allworthy
The man Bridget Blifil is married to, is: Captain Blifil  
35.  Tom Jones gets into troubles because of hunting in Allworthy's neighbour's propriety. But, what kind of animal was he after, exactly? A quail
36.  Tom falls from a tree after having tried to catch: Sofia's favourite bird
37.  Why does the whole village attack Molly Seagrim? Because she's a wearing a fine dress belonging to Sofia, like she was a noble woman
38.  Why is Tom sent away from home? He is given a bad name by his cousin, Blifil
39.  Whom is Sofia fated to marry? Is she ok with this? Blifil. No, she hates him
40.  Who hits Tom with a bottle, in the head? The lieutenant Northerton
41.  Who is the woman Tom saves from a harassment? Lady Waters
42.  Sofia leaves the inn where Tom is living, too, because he has cheated on her. What does she leave to the young man, as a reminder of her stay? A muff
43.  Which lady decides to host Sofia in her own house? Lady Bellaston
44.  Why is Tom imprisoned? He has almost killed Fitzpatrick
45.  Who are the real parents of Tom Jones? Bridget Allworthy and a certain Summer
46.  Why did Allworthy know nothing about the real parents of Tom? Blifil kept the truth hidden, in order to be Allworthy's favourite
47.  Why does Tom help Nightingale to marry the daughter of Mrs Miller? She's pregnant
48.  How does Tom get rid of Lady Bellaston? He writes a letter to her, proposing. He knows she hates being proposed by bachelors.
49.  Tom and Sofia, in the end of the novel, finally get their fancied marriage and happiness. How many children do they have? Two. A girl and a boy.
50.  Tom Jones has the title – The History of Tom Jones, a foundling.
51.  Alworthy lived in London.
52.  Who was favourite of both nature and fortune according to Fielding? Alworthy
53.  Who was Miss. Bridget? Mrs. Deborah’s sister.
54.  Miss. Bridget was married to:Squire Weston
55.  Captain Blifil died of fever.
56.  Who were accused of Jones’s father and mother? Blifil and Bridget
57.  Who looked after Tom after Blifil’s death? Mrs. Bridget.
58.  The ironical name of patridge is Little Benjamin.
59.  Who says” Dam too much addicted phriosophy? Molly
60.  Who are the two exited from Somersetshrine? Patridge and Jenny Jones.
61.  The real parents of Tom Jones are Alworthy and Molly.
62.  Who is generally called ‘ sneaking rascal and poor spirited wretch’? Alworthy
63.  Who was an Amazonian heroines according to Fielding? Mrs. Alworthy
64.  Master Blifil was the son of Bridget Alworthy by Captain Blifil
65.  Who was Mrs. Waters? Bridget.
66.  Who showed Mrs. Weston, the letter which she had received from Tom Jones, so that she create the hatred in the heart of Sophia for Tom Jones? Allworthy.
67.  Mrs. Weston (sister of square Weston) wanted to see Sophia married to: Master Blifil
68.  Who was tutor to both Blifil and Tom Jones? Black George
69.  Tom Jones is a Picaresque Novel.
70.  The Picaresque Novel is of Spanish origin.
71.  The word ‘picaso’ means a rogue.
72.  Who calls Fielding as father of English novel? Richardson.
73.  Who praised Fielding as  a great historian? Walter Scott.
74.  Who left the baby (Tom Jones) in Alworthy bed? Jenny Jones.
75.  When Tom Jones met Sophia, she was 17 years old.
76.   18 Books.
77.  The young lady Molly who loved Tom was The daughter of a game keeper.
78.  Mrs. Square Weston who was a Lady of 6 feet and Masculine appearance was a cruel lady.
79.  Who is fixed by Lady Bellaston for Blifil.
80.  Tom Jones is regarded as comic novel and Bildungs roman.
81.  In Tom Jones Mr. Allworthy is presented as a poor person.
82.  Fielding uses proverbs and quotations frequently from English.
83.  In the field of humour, fielding was great disciple of Cerventes.
84.  Little Benjamin was a Barbar.
85.  Blifil was jealous of Sophia’s bird because it is a gift given to her by Tom Jones.
86.  Who was Blifil’s agent to destroy Tom Jones by tacts and diplomacy? Patridge.
87.  346747 words were used in this work.
88.  18 books can be divided into three parts: the first part deals with country, the second part deals with journey and the third part deals with the city.
89.  three plots are used- action, character and thought.
90.  What is the charge against Tom Jones? Incontinence with women.
91.  In Sophia we are reminded of Shakespearean heroines.
92.  The name Sophia means wisdom.
93.  Who is the great of Fielding’s burlesque character? Square Western.


  1. Many errors found in this notes... pls correct them or don't post such dangerous post which 'll lead freshers into confusion in their exams..

  2. corrections are most welcome brother. let ignite others together

  3. Hi Sir 🙏
    Some errors are there.
    Kindly change them.
    Thank you 🙏


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