1.       How many stanzas it has?  Four stanzas
2.       Who gave Pandora Box?   Zeus.
3.       How many lines each stanza contains?  Five lines.
4.       In which does god keep gifts? Glass.
5.       What would happen if god gave rest to man? Man would rest in nature and not the god of nature.
6.       Which will make man towards god? Weariness.
7.       What is the first gift that God gives a man? Strength
8.       Name the gifts that God gives man.   Strength, beauty, wisdom, pleasure.
9.       What is the gift that God does not give man? Rest or peace of mind.
10.   Why does God withhold rest from man? To make man seek peace by communing with God, God denied him peace.
11.   What is a pulley? It is a mechanical device. It raises heavy objects to a higher level.
12.   What is compared to pulley? God who lifts care-worn people to higher spiritual planes is regarded as a pulley.
13.   What is the another name of ‘Pulley’? The gifts of god.
14.   What is the collection of work of Herbert?  ‘The Temple’.
15.   What does the word Pulley refer?  Pain, Bliss and struggle.
16.   What are the two things add richness to metaphysical conceit?   The fusion of the classical  and the  Christian.
17.   What is the central idea of the poem?  God made man, he poured all his blessings on him. However, as in Pandora’s box one element remained.
18.   Where is God kept the Rest? At the Bottome.
19.   Why is God not bestowed Rest on man? If he were to bestow on man as well then Man would adore God’s gifts instead of God Himself.
20.   What poetic device does Herbert use in the first stanza? Pun.
21.   Whose age people writings are reflected in this poem?  Renaissance
22.   How is Rest compared? Jewel
23.   What meter is used in this poem? Iambic Pentameter.
24.   Who said “Let man fret and worry himself”?  God
25.   What is the first line of the poem? “When God at first made man”.

Which is Herbert’s autobiographical poem?  The Affliction
What is the poem about? It is account of his spiritual life up to the present.
Why the poem is entitled as ‘Affliction’? His early life was joyful and believing in God but subsequently he has been overshadowed by suffering.
What did he complain about? His troubles and sufferings.
What does Affliction refer? Tuberculosis due to which Herbert died.
What does Herbert use in the last lines of the poem? Forgetfulness.

1 comment:

  1. The topics which you uploaded is very useful sir thank you


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