1.       In the Prologue, who introduces the story of Doctor Faustus?  The chorus
2.       To which Greek mythological character is Faustus compared in the Prologue?  Icarus
3.       What fields of learning does Faustus consider before he turns to magic? Logic, medicine, law, and theology
4.       Which characters instruct Faustus in the dark arts?  Cornelius and Valdes
5.       When he first summons Mephastophilis, how does Faustus ask him to appear? In the shape of a Franciscan friar
6.       What is the name of the ruler of hell in Doctor Faustus? Lucifer
7.       How long does Faustus demand that Mephastophilis serve him? Twenty-four years
8.       What does Faustus offer in return for this service?  His soul
9.       How does Faustus sign his compact with Lucifer? In his own blood
10.   What is the meaning of the words that appear on Faustus’s arm in Latin?  “Fly, man
11.   Who agrees, under duress, to become Wagner’s servant? The clown
12.   What does Mephastophilis refuse to tell Faustus? Who made the world
13.   Why does Mephastophilis refuse to answer this question? He says that the answer is “against our kingdom”
14.   . Which city does Faustus visit extensively in scene 7?  Rome
15.   What trick does Faustus, while invisible, play on the pope? He steals dishes of food and disrupts the pope’s banquet
16.   Which historical figure does Faustus conjure up for the emperor to see? Alexander the Great
17.    Which character is publicly skeptical of Faustus’s powers? The knight (also known as Benvolio)
18.   . How does Faustus humiliate this skeptic? He makes antlers sprout from the skeptic’s head
19.   Who tries to persuade Faustus to repent just before he reseals his pact with Lucifer? An old man
20.   happens to the horse that Faustus sells to the horse-courser? It turns into a heap of straw when it goes in the water
21.   What does the horse-courser think he is removing from Faustus’s body after Faustus wakes? His leg
22.   What does Faustus fetch for the Duchess of Vanholt? A dish of grapes
23.   Where, according to Mephastophilis, is hell? Everywhere that heaven is not
24.   . What famous beauty does Mephastophilis present to Faustus in scene12? Helen of Troy
25.   What happens to Faustus at the end of the play? He is carried off to hell
26.   Who tells Faustus that it is not too late to turn back? The Good Angel
27.   Why does Faustus refuse to pray? Because he believes he cannot be forgiven.
28.   When does Robin first appear in "Dr. Faustus"? At the beginning of Act 2, Scene 2.
29.   Who tells Faustus that he can sleep with any woman on earth from any time? Mephastophilis
30.   How does Robin's friend feel about Robin's offer?  Ecstatic
31.   What are Mephastophilis and Faustus waiting at the beginning of Act 3, Scene 1? The private chambers of the Pope
32.   When does Faustus claim that he is going to die? Tonight.
33.   What is said about Faustus in the Epilogue?  He is dead
34.   When will Lucifer return to grant Faustus's request? Midnight
35.   What is Robin's occupation?  Ostler
36.   What does Faustus do when the Horse-Courser leaves? Goes to sleep
37.   Who does the Pope think Faustus is?  A ghost
38.   Who is Robin's friend that enters in the middle of Act 2, Scene 2?  Rafe
39.   What does the Duke of Vanholt promise? To reward Faustus for his feat
40.   What do the first set of books that Mephastophilis gives Faustus allow Faustus to do? Control the weather and summon troops of knights
41.   How does Faustus respond to Carolus' request at the end of Act 4, Scene 1? He complies
42.   Who is awestruck at the end of Act 4, Scene 3? The Duke of Vanholt
43.   Where was Mephastophilis when Robin and Rafe summoned him?  Constantinople.
44.   Who threatens to tear Faustus apart in Act 5, Scene 1? Mephastophilis
45.   Who appears in the Epilogue? The Chorus.
46.   What does Faustus ask to see in Act 2, Scene 3? Hell
47.   From where does Mephastophilis retrieve Alexander the Great? Death
48.   What does Faustus do when the Pope arrives? Steals the Pope's food and wine
49.   How does Carolus feel about Faustus's trick on his subject? It increases Faustus's standing in Carolus's eyes
50.   Who shows Faustus the things he has sold his soul for? A series of devils
51.   One of the University Wits who was killed in a Tavern Brawl at the age of 29 was Marlowe.
52.   Marlowe’s tragedies are all one-man tragedies.
53.   Who coined the phrase, “Marlowe’s mighty lines’- Ben Jonson
54.   One of the elements that Marlowe introduced into English poetry is internal struggle.
55.   The Jew of Malta is the story of insatiable passion for Wealth.
56.   Marlowe’s mighty line- refers to his blank verse.
57.   Dr. Faustus is inordinate thirst for knowledge.
58.   Tamburlaine is depicted in thirst for power.
59.   Marlowe is the author of Edward II.
60.   “Was this the face that launched a thousand ships”- Marlowe’s Doctor Faustus.
61.   “Was this the face that launched a thousand ships” – the face referred here is Helen’s
Who completed Marlowe’s Hero and Leander? Chapman
63.   Marlowe’s mighty line first came into Elizabethan drama with Tamburlaine.
64.   Marlowe’s first play is Tamburlaine
65.   Who is the Jew of Malta? Barabas
66.   The Marlowian Hero is known for his hunger for power.
67.   Doctor Faustus is based on a German legend.
68.   Who finished Marlowe’s unfinished play Dido? Thomas Nash
69.   Edward II was written in the last year of Marlowe’s life.
70.   Many critics consider Doctor Faustus to be Marlowe’s best play.
71.   Marlowe’s Tamburlaine has epic features.
72.   The ghost of Andrea is a symbol of revenge.
73.   A devil of craft and cunning is Mephistopheles
74.   Andre killed by Lorenzo
75.   Valdes and Cornelius are famous German Magicians
76.   Dr. Faustus was born at Wittenburg.
77.   The play Dr. Faustus opens with the speech of chorus.
78.   Dr. Faustus had taken the doctorate in Theology.
79.   ‘And live and die in Aristotle’s work’-Faustus.
80.   ‘Sweet Analytics’ tis thou has’t ravished me’- these are the words spoken by Faustus. What is sweet analytics? Socrates’s work.
81.   What is the chiefest end of logic? Arguing well
82.   ‘A sound magician is a mighty god’ – Faustus
83.   Faustus says that the will build walls of Brass all round Germany.
84.   ‘Marriage is but a ceremonial toy’-Faustus.
85.   Who is the first among the seven deadly sins? Pride.
86.   What was the warning of Faustus when he sold his magic horse? Not to ride into water.
87.   Faustus bequeathed all his properties to Wagner.
88.   Who is Lucifer? The Prince of Hell

89.   Dr. Faustus can be called Morality play.

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