Selections from SACLIT DRAMA plays from South Asian Canadian - MEERA DANCE DRAMA - CORE VIII CANADIAN STUDIES

 Selections from SACLIT DRAMA plays from South Asian Canadian

1. Meera- A Dance Drama

2. Sita’s Promise

3. Dear Deedi, My Sister

4. Rootless but Green are the Boulevard Trees

5. Sons Must Die 

"Meera: A Dance Drama"

Summary of "Meera: A Dance Drama"

"Meera: A Dance Drama" is a vibrant portrayal of the life and devotion of Meera, a historical figure renowned for her unshakeable love for Lord Krishna. Through vivid scenes, the play delves into the mystical connection between Meera and Krishna, tracing her spiritual journey and transcendence.

The drama opens with Meera reflecting on Krishna’s childhood in Brindavan, where he engaged in playful antics, stealing butter and mischievously denying his actions. These scenes highlight Krishna's divine nature, especially when Yasoda, his foster mother, briefly glimpses the universe within his mouth. Meera draws parallels between Krishna’s youthful deeds and her own spiritual devotion, emphasizing how Krishna’s divine presence continuously filled her with joy and fulfillment.

The narrative transitions to Meera’s personal experiences of devotion, where she perceives Krishna dancing within her heart, a divine interaction that brings her both immense joy and intense suffering. Despite the challenges and tyranny she faces, including being given a cup of poison to drink, Meera's unwavering faith in Krishna transforms her pain into spiritual ecstasy. She rejoices in the eternal love she shares with Krishna, a love that transcends the physical world.

The play further explores the symbolic nature of Krishna’s life and his role in establishing justice, particularly through his involvement in the battle of Kurukshetra, where he reveals his cosmic form to Arjuna, affirming his mission to protect righteousness and destroy evil. Meera contemplates this divine mission, recognizing Krishna as both the protector of the universe and the lover who dances in the hearts of his devotees.

As the drama progresses, Meera envisions herself as Radha, Krishna’s eternal consort, waiting in longing for Krishna’s return. The gopis, who represent the soul's yearning for union with the divine, join Krishna in a joyful dance, but he is ultimately drawn to Radha. This scene signifies the ultimate spiritual fulfillment that comes from union with the divine.

In the closing scenes, the drama portrays Meera’s complete surrender to Krishna, her spiritual journey culminating in a profound realization of divine truth. The drama ends with Meera lost in the eternal dance of love, merging her soul with Krishna’s.

This dance drama captures the essence of Meera’s life, not as a mere historical figure, but as a symbol of pure, selfless devotion, where human love transcends to reach the divine. Through song, dance, and dialogue, "Meera: A Dance Drama" eloquently expresses the eternal love and devotion Meera held for Krishna, making it a deeply spiritual experience for the audience.

10 Two-Marks Questions & Answers

Who is Meera devoted to in the dance drama?

Meera is devoted to Lord Krishna.

What does Meera symbolize in the drama?

Meera symbolizes spiritual devotion and divine love.

What is the central theme of "Meera: A Dance Drama"?

The central theme is the eternal love and devotion Meera has for Krishna.

Which form of dance is used to narrate the story of Meera?

Classical Indian dance is used to narrate the story.

What role does Krishna play in Meera's life?

Krishna is both Meera’s divine love and spiritual guide.

Why does Meera drink the poison?

Meera drinks the poison but her faith in Krishna turns it into nectar.

How does Meera view her suffering?

Meera sees her suffering as part of her spiritual journey to unite with Krishna.

Who was Yasoda in relation to Krishna?

Yasoda was Krishna’s foster mother.

What is the importance of the dance scenes in the drama?

The dance scenes represent Meera’s spiritual ecstasy and her deep connection with Krishna.

What does Meera experience through her love for Krishna?

She experiences divine joy and fulfillment.

5 Paragraph Questions & Answers

Describe Meera’s relationship with Lord Krishna.

Meera’s relationship with Krishna is the essence of her life. Her devotion to him transcends earthly love, as she sees Krishna as the ultimate divine lover. Meera’s love for Krishna is not bound by societal norms, and she expresses it through dance, song, and poetry. This devotion gives her the strength to face adversity, including drinking poison and facing societal pressure. Her unwavering faith transforms her suffering into spiritual joy.

How does the play portray Meera’s spiritual journey?

The play portrays Meera’s spiritual journey through her devotion to Krishna. Her journey is depicted through symbolic dance, music, and vivid scenes of Krishna’s childhood and divine acts. The dance scenes highlight her love for Krishna, showing how deeply she is immersed in his presence. Even through suffering and trials, Meera remains focused on her spiritual path, culminating in the ultimate union with her beloved Krishna.

What is the significance of the scene where Meera drinks poison?

In the scene where Meera drinks poison, the drama emphasizes her unshakable faith in Krishna. The poison, sent to kill her, becomes a symbol of her strength and divine protection. Her trust in Krishna transforms the deadly liquid into nectar, showcasing the power of true devotion. This moment also represents the triumph of love and faith over hatred and evil.

Explain the role of dance in “Meera: A Dance Drama.”

Dance plays a central role in the portrayal of Meera’s devotion to Krishna. Through classical Indian dance forms, the drama conveys the emotions of love, surrender, and spiritual ecstasy. Dance becomes the medium through which Meera expresses her divine love for Krishna, reflecting her deep connection with him. The dance sequences also serve to transport the audience into Meera’s world, where the lines between the physical and spiritual realms blur.

What message does “Meera: A Dance Drama” convey about devotion?

The drama conveys that devotion, when pure and unwavering, can transcend all worldly boundaries. Meera’s devotion to Krishna teaches that true love is selfless and eternal. Through her journey, the play sends a message that spiritual devotion brings joy and fulfillment, even in the face of suffering. Meera’s unwavering faith and her union with Krishna serve as an example of how love for the divine leads to liberation and eternal bliss.

Essay Question

In-depth Analysis - Essay Question:

Let's begin with an introduction:

Subtitles with Paragraphs:

Meera’s Unwavering Devotion to Krishna:

Meera’s life is centered on her love for Krishna, whom she sees as both her lover and her divine guide. Her devotion is so strong that it defies societal norms and expectations. Despite being born into royalty, Meera rejects worldly pleasures and dedicates herself entirely to Krishna.

Suffering as Part of the Spiritual Journey:

Meera’s path is filled with suffering, but she embraces it as part of her spiritual awakening. The poison she is given, meant to kill her, symbolizes the trials one faces when following the path of devotion. Meera’s ability to transform suffering into joy showcases her spiritual strength.

Dance as a Medium of Spiritual Expression:

The dance sequences in the play are more than mere performances; they are expressions of Meera’s inner connection with Krishna. Through classical Indian dance, Meera expresses her love, surrender, and ecstasy, offering a visual representation of her deep spiritual emotions.

Divine Love and Union with Krishna:

Meera’s love for Krishna is portrayed as the ultimate divine connection. Her longing for him is not just emotional but spiritual, leading to her eventual union with him. This union represents the soul’s ultimate goal of merging with the divine, leaving behind the material world.

The Power of Devotion and Faith:

The drama emphasizes that true devotion, like Meera’s, has the power to overcome all obstacles. Her faith in Krishna is so strong that even poison cannot harm her. This teaches that love and faith in the divine are the greatest strengths a person can possess.


“Meera: A Dance Drama” beautifully portrays the themes of devotion, suffering, and divine love through the life of Meera. Her unwavering faith in Krishna serves as a powerful example of how love for the divine can transcend all earthly limitations, bringing peace and eternal joy.

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