M.H. Abrams' "The Deconstructive Angel" -Contemporary Literary Criticism: Unit II Study Material- M.A. ENGLISH SECOND YEAR

 Contemporary Literary Criticism: Unit II Study Material

M.H. Abrams' "The Deconstructive Angel"


M.H. Abrams' essay "The Deconstructive Angel" is a significant critique of deconstruction, particularly focusing on the theories of Jacques Derrida and Paul de Man. Published in 1977, this work represents a traditional humanist perspective challenging the poststructuralist approach to literary criticism.

    Short Answer Questions and Responses (2 marks each)

1. Q: How does Abrams characterize the main thrust of deconstructionist criticism?

   A: Abrams views deconstructionist criticism as an approach that undermines traditional interpretations by revealing inherent contradictions and instabilities in texts.

2. Q: What is Abrams' perspective on the role of authorial intention in literary interpretation?

   A: Abrams argues for the importance of considering authorial intention, contrary to deconstructionist dismissal of author-centered interpretation.

3. Q: How does Abrams' essay challenge the deconstructionist view of language?

   A: Abrams challenges the deconstructionist idea that language is inherently unstable and unreliable for conveying meaning.

4. Q: What does Abrams suggest about the relationship between a text and its context?

   A: Abrams emphasizes the importance of historical and cultural context in understanding a text, contrary to deconstructionist focus on the text in isolation.

5. Q: How does Abrams view the deconstructionist approach to binary oppositions in texts?

   A: Abrams critiques the deconstructionist tendency to reverse and dissolve binary oppositions, arguing for a more balanced view of textual structures.

6. Q: What is Abrams' stance on the deconstructionist claim of the "impossibility of reading"?

   A: Abrams challenges this claim, asserting that coherent and meaningful readings of texts are indeed possible and valuable.

7. Q: How does Abrams characterize the deconstructionist view of the critic's role?

   A: Abrams criticizes the deconstructionist elevation of the critic's role to that of a creative rewriter of the text.

8. Q: What analogy does Abrams use to describe the deconstructionist approach to texts?

   A: Abrams likens deconstruction to a "parasite" that feeds on and distorts the host text it analyzes.

9. Q: How does Abrams view the deconstructionist approach to metaphor and figurative language?

   A: Abrams challenges the deconstructionist emphasis on the destabilizing effects of metaphor, arguing for a more traditional view of figurative language.

10. Q: What does Abrams suggest about the ethical implications of deconstructionist criticism?

    A: Abrams raises concerns about the ethical consequences of deconstructionist approaches, particularly in their potential to undermine shared meanings and values.

    Paragraph Questions (5 marks each)

1. Q: Analyze Abrams' critique of the deconstructionist approach to textual interpretation.

   A: Abrams' critique includes:

   - Challenging the dismissal of authorial intention

   - Arguing for the importance of historical and cultural context

   - Questioning the focus on textual instability and contradictions

   - Defending the possibility of coherent and meaningful readings

   - Criticizing the elevation of the critic's role in creating meaning

2. Q: Examine how Abrams defends the role of context and intention in literary interpretation.

   A: Abrams' defense involves:

   - Emphasizing the importance of historical and cultural background

   - Arguing that authorial intention provides valuable insights

   - Challenging the deconstructionist focus on the text in isolation

   - Suggesting that context and intention contribute to more comprehensive understanding

   - Proposing that ignoring these factors leads to limited or distorted readings

3. Q: Discuss Abrams' perspective on the relationship between language, meaning, and interpretation.

   A: Abrams' perspective includes:

   - Rejecting the notion that language is inherently unstable or unreliable

   - Arguing for the possibility of clear communication through texts

   - Challenging the deconstructionist emphasis on indeterminacy

   - Defending the idea that texts can convey coherent meanings

   - Proposing a more balanced view of the complexities of language and interpretation

4. Q: Evaluate Abrams' concerns about the ethical implications of deconstructionist criticism.

   A: Abrams' concerns include:

   - The potential undermining of shared meanings and values

   - The risk of nihilism in literary and cultural analysis

   - The ethical problems of treating all interpretations as equally valid

   - The implications for social and political discourse

   - The potential loss of literature's moral and humanistic value

5. Q: Analyze how Abrams' essay reflects broader debates in literary theory and criticism.

   A: Abrams' essay reflects:

   - The tension between traditional humanist and poststructuralist approaches

   - Debates about the nature of meaning and interpretation

   - Questions about the role of the author, reader, and critic

   - Concerns about the social and ethical responsibilities of criticism

   - The ongoing negotiation between different schools of literary thought

Essay Question (10 marks)

Q: Critically examine M.H. Abrams' arguments in "The Deconstructive Angel" against deconstructionist literary criticism, and evaluate the significance of his critique for contemporary literary studies.


M.H. Abrams' "The Deconstructive Angel" represents a significant moment in the debate between traditional humanist approaches to literary criticism and the emerging poststructuralist theories, particularly deconstruction. This essay offers a robust critique of deconstructionist methods, challenging their fundamental assumptions and implications for literary studies.

     Abrams' Key Arguments

1. **Defense of Authorial Intention**

   - Argues for the relevance of authorial intention in interpretation

   - Challenges the deconstructionist dismissal of the author's role

   - Proposes that intention provides valuable context for understanding

2. **Importance of Historical and Cultural Context**

   - Emphasizes the need to consider texts within their historical framework

   - Critiques deconstructionist tendency to analyze texts in isolation

   - Argues that context is crucial for comprehensive interpretation

3. **Critique of Linguistic Instability**

   - Challenges the deconstructionist view of language as inherently unstable

   - Defends the possibility of clear communication through texts

   - Questions the emphasis on indeterminacy and endless interpretation

4. **Defense of Coherent Reading**

   - Argues against the deconstructionist claim of the "impossibility of reading"

   - Proposes that meaningful, coherent interpretations are both possible and valuable

   - Challenges the notion that all readings are equally valid or invalid

5. **Ethical Concerns**

   - Raises questions about the ethical implications of deconstructionist approaches

   - Warns against potential nihilism in literary and cultural analysis

   - Argues for the preservation of literature's moral and humanistic value

     Analysis of Abrams' Critique

1. **Strengths**

   - Provides a cogent defense of traditional humanist approaches

   - Highlights potential limitations and contradictions in deconstructionist theory

   - Raises important questions about the purpose and value of literary criticism

2. **Limitations**

   - May oversimplify some aspects of deconstructionist theory

   - Potentially underestimates the value of questioning traditional assumptions

   - Might not fully engage with the philosophical underpinnings of deconstruction

3. **Rhetorical Strategy**

   - Uses clear, accessible language to critique complex theoretical concepts

   - Employs metaphors (e.g., the "parasite") to illustrate his arguments

   - Engages directly with deconstructionist texts and ideas

     Significance for Contemporary Literary Studies

1. **Ongoing Debates**

   - Contributes to continuing discussions about the nature of interpretation

   - Informs debates about the role of context and intention in literary analysis

   - Raises enduring questions about the purpose and methods of criticism

2. **Balancing Approaches**

   - Encourages a more balanced approach to literary interpretation

   - Suggests the value of integrating traditional and poststructuralist insights

   - Promotes critical reflection on the assumptions of different critical schools

3. **Ethical Considerations**

   - Highlights the ethical dimensions of literary criticism

   - Encourages consideration of the broader implications of critical approaches

   - Raises questions about the social and cultural responsibilities of critics

4. **Pedagogical Implications**

   - Influences approaches to teaching literary interpretation

   - Encourages students to consider multiple perspectives on texts

   - Promotes critical thinking about the methods and goals of literary analysis

5. **Interdisciplinary Relevance**

   - Extends beyond literary studies to other fields in the humanities

   - Contributes to broader discussions about meaning, interpretation, and knowledge

   - Informs approaches to textual analysis in various disciplines


M.H. Abrams' critique in "The Deconstructive Angel" remains a significant contribution to literary theory and criticism. While some may disagree with his positions, his arguments have played a crucial role in shaping debates about interpretation, meaning, and the purpose of literary studies. The essay continues to provoke thought and discussion, encouraging a more nuanced and self-reflective approach to literary criticism that considers both traditional and poststructuralist insights.

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