Edward Albee

What kind of animal does George compare Martha's father to?  a mouse
What was Honey's father's profession? preacher
What department does George work for?  History
What department is Nick going to work in? Biology
When Honey is on the floor of the bathroom, what does she start doing?  peeling the labels off of bottles
Before the guests come in, George warns Martha not to talk about  their child
When Martha's father will not allow George to publish his novel, George tries to convince him by saying that the novel is true
Martha is disappointed in George because  he is not running the history department
The following day is supposed to be their son's twenty-first birthday
Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf premiered in New York City in  1962
Martha and Nick do not have sex because  Nick cannot maintain an erection
George was an athlete in college. What sport did he play?  Boxing
What part of Nick's work does George hate and fear?  Genetic engineering
What is the activity that Honey suddenly decides she wants to do?  Dancing
What does Honey reveal to George that she is afraid of?  Having children
Why did Honey and Nick get married? They thought she was pregnant
What kind of flowers does George bring to Martha?  Snapdragons
What does George do while Nick and Martha are necking?  Reads
What kind of alcohol does Honey drink? Brandy
Where did Honey and Nick come from?  Kansas
What happened when Martha and George were learning to box?  Martha knocked out George
What do Nick and Martha knock into while they are necking?  Chimes
What animals do Nick and George compare the women of the University to?  Geese
Who is the oldest character in the play?  Martha
What language does George recite his prayer in?  Latin
 In what town does this play take place?  New Carthage
 How old are protagonists George and Martha, respectively? 46 and 523. 
What is George's position at the college? Associate Professor of History.
What actress does Martha quote at the opening of the play?   Bette Davis
 Where did their guests, Nick and Honey, move from? The midwest
 In what department does Nick teach?  Biology
 When describing the college town to Nick, to which mythological/literary place does George not compare it?  Hades
 What is Honey's drink of choice? Brandy
 How does George repeatedly describe Honey?  "Slim-hipped."
 How old does Martha tell Honey her son will turn tomorrow?  21
 What happens when George points a rifle at Martha and pulls the trigger? A parasol pops out of the gun
To what animal does George liken his father-in-law? A red-eyed white mouse.
 What novel does Martha reference in the story of her college affair with the gardener? Lady Chatterly's Lover
 What ultimately leads George to smash a liquor bottle and begin singing "Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf" at the end of Act One?  Martha's insistence on calling him a failure for remaining an associate professor.
 How does Honey respond to George's rendition of "Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf?" at the end of Act One?  She runs to the bathroom to be sick.
 At the beginning of Act Two, why does Nick tell George he married Honey? She was experiencing a hysterical pregnancy.
 How does George characterize the story about the boy who ordered "bergin"? The happiest day of his life.
 In George's story, why did the boy crash into a tree?  He was swerving to avoid a porcupine.
 What does Albee request in the stage directions after George's speech about the boy who accidentally killed his parents?  A five-second pause.
 To what child's toy does George compare his and Martha's son? A bean bag. 21. According to George, why does he call the son "the apple of our three eyes?"
Martha is a Cyclops.
 In what language do Martha and George exchange rapid-fire insults that translate to "monster," "pig," "beast," "scoundrel," and "whore?"  French
How, according to Nick, did Honey's father get rich? He was a famous preacher who saved his own money.
 Which of the following is not part of Nick's plan to get ahead at the college? Blackmailing the college president.
 What song that she "understands" does George say Martha will put on to dance to?  Le Sacre du Printemps
To what type of animal does George compare Martha's father?(from Act 1, Part 3)  A mouse
What is the name of George and Martha's son? (from Act 3, Part 3) We never learn
What is Martha doing for Honey at the beginning of Act 2? (from Act 2, Part 1) Making her coffee
How does George silence Martha as she talks about his failure to take over the department? (from Act 1, Part 3) He breaks a bottle over the bar
What game did Nick and Honey play when they were younger?(from Act 2, Part 1) Doctor
Which of the following is not a nickname that George gives to Honey during the dancing? (from Act 2, Part 2 Sugar tush
Which two people do not kiss during the entire play? (from Act 3, Part 3)  George and Honey
Which two characters are crying the last time we see them?(from Act 3, Part 3) Martha and Honey
What contest does George say that Martha won twenty-five years ago? (from Act 2, Part 2)  A dance marathon
What does Nick say is not his idea of a good time? (from Act 2, Part 1) Flagellation
What job does Martha assign to Nick in Act 3? (from Act 3, Part 1) Houseboy
In what sport is George's protagonist a champion? (from Act 2, Part 2) Swimming
Which of these is not a French insult that George and Martha hurl at each other? (from Act 2, Part 1) Cyclope
As what does George say Martha uses their son? (from Act 3, Part 2) As a club
Which two characters sing "Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf" at the end of the first act? (from Act 1, Part 3) George and Honey
What is Honey doing with a liquor bottle in Act 3? (from Act 3, Part 1) Peeling the label
According to Martha, what does weakness cry out against?(from Act 3, Part 2) Strength, goodness, and innocence
To what animal does George compare Martha when he calls her lovely? (from Act 2, Part A dove
What does Martha ask George for after the guests leave? (from Act 3, Part 3) Nothing
Where does George never go in the play? (from Act 3, Part 3) His bedroom
What would Martha's father not allow George to do recently?(from Act 2, Part 2) Publish a book
What does George do with his book in the last moment of Act 2?(from Act 2, Part 3) Throws it across the room
How does George refer to his female protagonist in his "second novel?" (from Act 2, Part 2) Mousey
What does Nick blame his bad sexual performance on? (from Act 3, Part 1) His drinking
According to George at the end of Act 1, what is Martha at heart? (from Act 1, Part 3) A Romantic
What is the Husbands name in this play? George
What are are the names of the guests at the party? Nick and Honey
At the end of act one what exaggerated thing does Honey do? Vomits
What kind of party was being thrown at this house? Drinking
Who ends up fighting at the beginning of act two? Nick and George
What does Martha do to Nick at the end of act 2? Seduces him
What is the big secret that is reveled at the end of act 2? Thier son is dead
What does Martha think of their son? He's a very talented and loving child
How many characters are involved in this play?4

What song is being sung throughout this play? Who's Afraid of the Big Bad Wolf? 

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